These patches deliver vitamin B1 which is absorbed by the bloodstream and transported throughout the body, providing a protective barrier against biting insects. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) creates an (undetectable to humans) smell, camouflaging the smell of carbon dioxide that we emit naturally through the pores. The emission of carbon dioxide is what attracts mosquitoes and other biting insects

The patch is a natural insect repellent. This should be applied in any part of the body without hairs or bumps way to ensure good adhesion. It is effective to repel mosquitoes, ticks, bed bugs,horseflies (horseflies), sand fleas, midges and others. The patch should be applied two hours before being exposed to insect bites to ensure their effectiveness

1 x 6 patches

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3 x 6 patches

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5 x 6 patches

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10 x 6 patches

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18 x 6 patches

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Vitamin B1 is absorbed by the blood flow and transported throughout the body. Passing the gaseous state, it is eliminated through the skin pores constituting an effective barrier to mosquitoes.

The content of Vitamin B1 in the patch will gradually be released thanks to its technology, and it will allow the human body to be protected for at least 24 hours. A people over 100 kg are advised to use two patches at a time.

Patches can be used in the shower without problems. Using the patch has no side effects because the ingredients are all natural and it is known that excess Vitamin B1 is removed automatically by the body. The effect may be lower in obese people, smokers and alcohol consumers.

In very few cases, the patch does not provide the desired effect or does so only partially. Anyway there is no other mosquito repellent acting so widely in the human body that guarantees 100% effective.

Apart from the fact that there are no negative side effects from the use of Vitamin B1 patches, the vitamin is known to be good for the nervous system, digestion, muscles and for the renewal of damaged tissues, recuperation after excessive alcohol intake, and it also helps reduce stress.

Direct intake of Vitamin B1 through pills does not have the effect of repelling insects and mosquitoes because it is assimilated through the digestive system and deletion is done through the urine and not from the skin pores.

This is not a remedy against mosquito bites and their consequences. Only it helps to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes.

The vitamin B1 will follow the blood flow, and it will be distributed by osmosis throughout the body,leaving exposed areas. Vitamin B1 is the only active ingredient contained in the patches so you do not have to worry about any other unwanted substance.

It is recommended to put on the patch a couple of hours before the effect is needed.

The patches could be placed anywhere but preferably on one of the hair-free parts of the body.



Even though the patches are very good and very effective they are unfortunately like many other efforts not always 100% effective.

The patches are significantly more effective than the pills but probably the most honest way of describing it would be to quote the Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark when they talk about the effect of Vitamin B1 in keeping away the mosquitoes:

“It is not always 100% effective and it does not work for everyone”




Transdermal medical systems or percutaneous have been on the market since 1982. Many pharmaceutical companies are already offering on the market transdermal systems for delivering a wide variety of solid and liquid agents and medical solutions. The best known are nicotine patches (for smoking), clonidine (for hypertension), nitroglycerin (for ischemic heart disease), buprenorphine and fentanyl (opioids for pain management, postoperative analgesia, etc.), estrogen(menopause), rivastigmine (Alzheimer), contraceptives (Ortho Evra Evra), scopolamine (dizziness), (treatment of attention deficit and hiperactivism), Vitamin B12 (for fatigue), B1 (mosquito repellent) and others.

These patches adhere to the wearer’s skin and provide continuously a component into the bloodstream to be distributed in the body. The component travels from a deposit in the patch through a membrane to the skin and then is absorbed by the bloodstream.

Technology has evolved to a flexible polymeric multilayer laminate over a system that stores and releases active ingredients in a controlled manner for periods lasting from minutes to several months.

Transdermal Therapeutic System (TTS) provide a highly effective and safe method. This system has in many cases advantages over other dosage forms. Among them is the power to stop treatment at any time.

Oral tablets have to pass through the digestive system before the desired component is absorbed into the bloodstream. An important part of the digested dose is lost in the digestive system.Similarly, in many cases, excess is removed by the organism. By using skin patches, vitamins, drugs or other natural or synthetic components, go directly into the bloodstream where it is needed,without having to pass through the digestive system without the potential problems associated with this. This makes skin patches an ideal option for many patients suffering from anemia or other problem that hinders the absorption through the digestive tract option.

In other words, the dosage of a vitamin or drug applied by transdermal patches will be many times more effective than to digest the equivalent pills.

The risk of an overdose decreases considerably. In addition, the patch can be removed if a problem is observed. For patches providing B1 vitamin, there is definitely no probability of overdose occurrence.

The patches available in the market are designed to allow the active ingredient to be absorbed through the skin in a continuous way and not in one step as a pill would do. In certain cases, a permeability accelerator is added to increase the flow of the component to the human body.

The results of the above can be seen graphically in the figure below. While drugs given orally (every 8 hours as in red in the graph) fluctuate considerably this is not the case with the patches, where one can observe a more continuous supply and therefore also a constant concentration. There is no overdose and no period with very low concentration.

Additionally, there are patches that can deliver a controlled dose for up to 7 days which gives additional advantages over other forms of application as oral or topical (gel or cream). Treatments can be easily made by patients and longer periods and can be easily removed in case that discomfort appears.

Currently only medicine, vitamins and other elements whose molecules are very small can be applied in this way since it depends on the transition into the bloodstream through the skin pores.

“When it comes to mosquitoes, I am like a magnet to them. My daughters once started counting the number of mosquito bites I had, and when they reached 300, they stopped counting. The other day I put on a patch in the morning and did a whole day of cutting down trees and gardening. In the evening, I was able to experience something unique: I had not had a single mosquito bite all day

  Niels F. Hansen
  Director in one of the Forbes Global 2000 top companies



Do you know why a mosquito decides to bite you and not to your neighbor? The answer can be known by studying the elements that our skin oozes through the pores. They are: carbon dioxide (CO2), perspiration, lactic acid and octenol. Mosquitoes are able to smell from a distance what emanates from our skin, especially when we exercise, it’s hot, or in any other situation where we perspire more.

Research has shown that biting insects are female. We also know that there is a correlation between those who have a deficiency of vitamin B1 in their systems as those most likely to satisfy the appetite of mosquitoes and other insects.

Therefore, if there is enough vitamin B1 in your body, mosquitoes will not find you attractive and stay away in search of another.

Vitamin B1 is water soluble and medical science has shown that any excess vitamin that has not evaporated through the pores will eventually be eliminated through urine. In other words having more vitamin B1 than the body needs is not an issue.



The generic name of vitamin B1 is thiamin. It is found naturally in foods such as cereals, whole grains, meat, nuts, beans and peas. The human body requires this vitamin in the process of breakdown of carbohydrates so we can assimilate. Lack of vitamin B1 causes the disease called beriberi, which can be fatal.

Already in the 60’ties studies showed that excess vitamin B1 was effective to ward off mosquitoes.It was also noted that vitamin B1 reduces the discomforts of excessive drinking (hang over).

The appropriate level of thiamine in the human body can be obtained with a urine test. A value of less than 100 micrograms a day indicates a low level while a value of less than 40 mcg/day means an extremely low intake of vitamin B1.

People who require extra doses of thiamine are those dependent on alcohol, elderly people, people with HIV, diabetics, people who have undergone stomach reduction operations, the Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, heart diseases and Alzheimer’s syndrome.

Because vitamin B1 is water soluble, one need not be concerned about excessive intake because it will not accumulate in our body.



Produced by The Best Repellent, Llc, Usa